Humans often seek supporters to overcome their existential fears. This search leads them to assign roles to those around them, expecting support. However, this process often turns them into individuals with high expectations of others.

“People who have had a trustworthy person in their fundamental relationships, such as parents or their closest ones, and whose trust has not been abused, generally feel more secure and are psychologically healthier.”

The Impact of the Pain-Pleasure Cycle on Human Awareness: Examining the Interaction Between the Brain’s Reward System and the Evolution of the Soul

This article explores the profound impact of the brain’s pain-pleasure cycle on human awareness, examining how dopamine-driven behaviors can trap individuals in repetitive cycles of transient pleasure and suffering. By analyzing the interaction between the brain’s reward system and the soul’s consciousness, the paper highlights how spiritual awareness can transcend neural conditioning. Backed by neuroscience … Read more

The greed for progress is a product of the conditioned brain, trapped in pain and pleasure. However, in the space of awareness, progress continues—but without anxiety, without unhealthy competition, and without attachment to outcomes. This progress is no longer a struggle to ‘be better,’ but a pure expression of the natural growth of awareness in … Read more

The Mechanism of interaction between the soul and the brain

This paper explores the relationship between conscious awareness and the brain, attempting to explain how the energetic consciousness of the soul connects to the physical structure of the brain. Drawing on theories related to electromagnetic fields, quantum mechanics, and neurobiology, it is proposed that conscious awareness interacts with the brain, processes information, and influences decision-making … Read more
